Te Ara Ririki - Maori Trauma Informed Care Principles (2016- 2017)
This research is being funded by the Health Research Council of New Zealand.
The need for contextualised, culturally safe health/social services is well recognised within Aotearoa, particularly within Mental Health and Addiction Services.
While trauma is an experience that can impact on all people, Māori experience trauma in distinct ways, similarly hapu/iwi have experienced trauma in distinct ways.
These are linked to localised experiences of colonisation, racism, discrimination and subsequent unequal rates of violence, poverty and ill health. Given that hapu and iwi have been impacted by trauma in distinct ways it is important to identify practice principles that can contribute to the development of a framework that supports Māori.
To purchase your copy email [email protected]
He Waipuna Koropupu - Suicide Prevention and Maori Wellbeing
by Ngaropi Cameron, Leonie Pihama, Jocelyn Millard and Awhina Cameron
He Waipuna Koropupu is a Kaupapa Māori research project that seeked to address the silence that exists in relation to Taranaki suicide. Qualitative in nature, the data collected for analysis obtained from Taranaki whānau through participant interviews and hapū hui. Whānau experiences of suicide, behavioural patterns, warning signs and cultural and social systems were explored.
To purchase your copy email [email protected]
Read moreHe Mokopuna He Tupuna: Investigating Maori Views of Childrearing Amongst Iwi in Taranaki (2013)
by Ngaropi Cameron, Dr Leonie Pihama, Rawinia Leatherby and Awhina Cameron
A Report by Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki Inc to the Lottery Community Sector Research Fund
Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki have undertaken this research project as a part of a process of reclaiming and revitalising traditional knowledge that expresses the position and status of tamariki within our whānau as defined within Taranaki tikanga.
Read moreTupu Ake - Developing a Kaupapa Maori definition of Resiliency for Rangatahi Maori in Taranaki (2013)
The genesis of Tupu Ake arose from Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki’s commitment to rangatahi Maori and the overarching goal of the organisation strengthening rangatahi Maori strengthens Whanau Ora for all those residing in Taranaki.
Read moreA Kaupapa Maori qualitative investigatory study into Domestic Violence within the whanau of Taranaki
This research project sought to investigate and explore family violence experiences for Taranaki whanau, identifying those factors such as adaptation to social change and assess how different whanau have been affected by them.
Read moreKaupapa Hauora Māori - Nga Whakaaro Whakahirahira o Nga Kaumatua (2007)
by Dr Janice Wenn
a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Maori Studies at Te Pumanawa Hauora Research Centre for Maori Health and Development, Massey University, Wellington.
(photo: Janice Wenn, right, deputy Chair of Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki Trust Board, with TTW Chief Executive Ngaropi Cameron)
Read moreMatarakau - Nga korero mo nga rongoa o Taranaki (2007)
by Mahinekura Reinfeld and Dr Leonie Pihama
Reclaiming the stories surrounding traditional healing practices in the Taranaki region based on the in-depth knowledge of kuia and koroheke.
Read more