‘E huri ko Pipiri ki tua, mataara te titiro ki mua ki te taunga mai o te Pīpīwharauroa’.
This whakawai from Taranaki speaks of hope and positivity, reminding us that while the future is uncertain, it holds the potential for greatness. The arrival of the Pīpīwharauroa, a messenger of new growth, symbolises change and opportunity. It is with this whakawai that we announce a significant new development for the advancement of Taranaki rangahau aspirations.
In July 2023, Tū Tama Wāhine o Taranaki and Taumata Associates secured support from MBIE’s He Tipu Ka Hua Investment Fund, with He Kāhui Rangahau Nō Taranaki being one of three successful groups nationally.
The initiative will guide a five-year research strategy (2023–2029) for marae, papakāinga, whānau, hapū, and iwi around Taranaki mounga. Led by Professor Leonie Pihama and Dr. William Edwards, hui across the region have shaped an implementation plan to align with Taranaki aspirations and unlock resources to achieve them.
The plan will provide a framework to guide the development of research collaborations, formalise a network of iwi research partners, and prioritise research driven by Taranaki Māori communities.
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