by Mahinekura Reinfeld and Dr Leonie Pihama
Reclaiming the stories surrounding traditional healing practices in the Taranaki region based on the in-depth knowledge of kuia and koroheke.
This research was funded by the Health Research Council of New Zealand and the Foundation for Research Science and Technology / Tuapapa Rangahau Putaiao.
Karangaora is a whanau of healers who connect to each of the iwi in the Taranaki region. We are a Taranaki Maori Health Provider specialising in traditional healing practices. As a part of further developing our own knowledge we believed that it was necessary to include a research focus to our mahi. This research project was born out of that need and is named 'Matarakau'. Matarakau is a symbolic expression of the eyes of the rakau that oversee our use of rongoa. Whakapapa is a key element in the existence of traditional healing and carries with it the stories of relationships. We seek to reclaim those stories surrounding traditional healing. Matarakau explores the in depth knowledge of kuia and koroheke of the Taranaki region in regard to traditional healing practices. Matarakau is a project that has grown from the experiences of Maori health workers and in particular those that work in the area of traditional healing.
Stories gathered from: Hine-nui-te-po Makere Wharehoka Wano; Haumoana White; Manu Rangimarie Magrath; Norah Puketapu Collins; Edith Waitokirangi Meihana Tito; Ruanui Ratina; Pereni Belle Tupe; Te Rawanake; Whero o te rangi Bailey; Eric and Rosemary Taha; Ngakahia Murray; Ngaropi Cameron; Te Whiti o Rongomai Mason; Mary McGregor; Te Rau Oriwa Davis; Queenie Rikihana, Kato Luke; Huirangi Waikerepuru.
read and download full report from here.