about Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki

Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki is a kaupapa Maori common good organisation with over 25 years of experience in delivering health and social services successfully across the Taranaki region.

The origins of our organisation, however, date back to 1881 and the plunder of Parihaka where clear instructions were given to the remaining women to continue on with the work of their tupuna and take on the roles and responsibilities of the whanau in upholding tikanga Maori, and maintaining the care and wellbeing of whanau.  “E tu tama wahine i te waa o te kore.”  — Te Whiti o Rongomai (1881)

our approach

Our vision is that Taranaki whanau have a secured sense of identity and connection to each other, and all are able to contribute and participate in the maintenance of a peaceful and prosperous community.

The values that underpin Tikanga Maori are central to our work, and these help us to build relationships of mutual benefit with whanau.

Empowering whanau, hapu and iwi is the basis for our work, and this empowerment helps all people to take control of their own future. Our services facilitate opportunities for whanau to gain a better understanding of development and liberation from the effects of oppression and historical trauma in the context of their lives today. We engage in long term planning with whanau and hapu, and this often requires strength, commitment and straight talk.

Tu Tama Wahine o Taranaki has a deep understanding and profound desire to support transformation in the lives of tamariki and their whanau. We believe that all whanau want the best for its members, and the role of our kaimahi (staff) is to challenge, encourage and guide whanau to raise the benchmark by choosing to pursue a purposeful life. 

It is our view that whanau should be able to plan and design their own future, and be given the opportunity to learn and take risks with guided support if required.  People learn through trial and error, and our skills and experience lie in the ability to support navigation and coordination while challenging any practice which is mana depleting or compromising the safety of women and children.

our networks

We are members of the following local and national organisations :

Te Korowai Aroha o Aotearoa - kaupapa Maori national training  organisation.

Community Taranaki