MAI Ki Taranaki Whānui is the Taranaki response to an initiative rooted in the MAI (Māori and Indigenous Graduate) support programme, established by Professor Graham Hingangaroa Smith at the University of Auckland in the late 1990s. This kaupapa was championed by a distinguished Māori Education team, including Professors Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Margie Hōhepa, Leonie Pihama, Jenny Lee-Morgan, Kuni Jenkins, Patricia Johnson, and Cherryl Smith, alongside other Faculty of Education colleagues.
MAI Ki Taranaki Whānui transcends institutional boundaries, welcoming Māori and Indigenous scholars who affiliate with or reside within Taranaki. The programme strengthens regional access to an expanding network of senior and emerging scholars, fostering development across various fields of study and expertise. It also provides important connections and support for Māori and Indigenous postgraduate students within Taranaki.
The programme offers a range of support opportunities, including:
- Workshops
- Writing retreats
- Advisory sessions with senior scholars
- Mentoring and connections to Taranaki organisations
- Presentations and symposia to share insights with Taranaki communities
If you are a scholar with whakapapa to Taranaki whānui or are based in the region and wish to connect, please express your interest by contacting [email protected]