the full report by Colleen Tuuta for the Families Commission
In this report Colleen Tuuta interviews a stunning group of Maori leaders, as part of the Whanau Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow publication.
The women interviewed are: Ngaropi Cameron; Naida Glavish; Barbara Greer; Areta Koopu; Dame Dr Katerina Mataira; Moe Milne; Dr Rangimarie Rose Pere; Mereana Pitman; Dr Papaarangi Reid; Dr Khyla Russell; and Dame Dr Iritana Tawhiwhirangi.
In the report Whanau Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Colleen Tuuta wrote a chapter based on interviews with a stunning group of Maori leaders. The chapter identified themes that were woven through the interviews, and discussed these. Whanau Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow also included a number of detailed case studies which meant that it was not possible to include fuller explorations of the women’s kōrero.
This report is part of the suite of work produced by the Families Commission to resource the Whänau Strategic Framework 2009–2012.
read and download full report from here.