Masterclass Outcomes

June 2020 5 min read download as Masterclass PDF

•   participants completing the Masterclass for Active Citizenship with 90% attendance over the four-month Masterclass period.

•   participants introduced to and experiencing a wānanga style of peer and adult community education.

•   participants growing a cultural competency in the skills, attitudes, commitments and action needed for vibrant and thriving communities.

•   participants gaining an appreciation of tikanga and mātauranga Māori as important influences and guides for commitments and behaviour in our communities today.

•   participants gaining a deeper insight into the nature of their role as citizens and the critical relationship this has to creating the communities they want to live in.

•   participants gaining a clearer pathway towards civic engagement, and the contribution they can make to the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of their place.

•   participants meeting, networking and making peer appointments with a fresh and diverse group of active citizens over the four-month period, opening their horizons to other views and lifestyles within our communities.

•   participants co-creating a journey of community conversations within three-hour workshops based around the themes of invitation, possibility, ownership, dissent, commitment, gifts and action.

•   participants being introduced to a wider perspective on community development and social change, particularly drawing on the experience and insights of internationally-recognised community development elders.

•   participants gaining insight into the process of social innovation in New Zealand today, and introduced to the stories of leading New Zealand social entrepreneurs.

•   participants being introduced to a set of social skills and strategic questions which enable their conversations to go deeper and be more effective.

•   participants gaining some fresh perspectives on how local organisations can better meet the changing needs and challenges of today, particularly in times of cut-backs and austerity measures.

•   participants gaining a deeper understanding of the gifts and assets of our communities and how to take the fullest advantage of these resources for the common good.

•   participants finishing the Masterclass with an Action Plan for their own roles, resources and direction as active citizens in our communities.
